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BloomStruck Hydrangea | Endless Summer

26 Reviews
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  • Produces gorgeous rose-pink, lilac purple, or violet-blue mophead blooms
  • Matures to 4-5' wide by 3-4' tall
  • Hardy in USDA Zones 4 - 9
  • Plant in partial shade
Pot size


Endless Summer® is well-known for its collection of reliably beautiful, reblooming Hydrangeas, and the Bloomstruck Hydrangea is no exception! Dr. Michael Dirr of Plant Introductions, Inc. first bred this remarkable hydrangea, and gardeners across the nation have taken notice rapidly. It has a neat mounding growth habit of dark green foliage that reaches 3-4 feet across with a spread of 4-5 feet. It produces rose-pink, purple, or blue mop-head blooms that grow 3.5 - 5 inches across. Like other Macrophylla Hydrangeas, you can change the color of your blooms by raising or lowering the pH level of your soil. More acidic soil will bring out the violet-blue tones in the blooms, and more alkaline soils will produce rose-pink blooms. Although capable of several colors, it's most noted for rich violet-blue flowers that truly separate it from the pack. Enjoy the gorgeous blooms all season long, as this landscape treasure continuously reblooms from spring to fall.

This selection produces strong and beautiful red-purple stems that add a fantastic contrast to the dynamic, rich flowers. BloomStruck Hydrangeas are renowned for their ability to bloom on old and new wood!

*The BloomStruck Hydrangea® is a deciduous/semi-evergreen plant and will go dormant during the winter months. When this plant is ordered during the Fall/Winter expect seasonal foliage decline(discoloration, spots, leaf drop) or the plant to arrive completely dormant.*

Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea Care

Hardy from Zones 4-9. This is a notably cold-tolerant plant. However, much of this is due to the fact that it is a deciduous plant. Therefore, it will lose its leaves after the first freeze of the year and come back with new growth in spring.

Plant the Bloomstruck Hydrangea in partial shade in all zones. However, these Hydrangeas can handle some direct sun. Gardeners in the Northern US can allow around 3 hours of direct sun, while gardeners in the Southern US won't want to allow more than 1-2 hrs of unfiltered sunlight. Err on the side of caution as they are very susceptible to burning with too much direct sun exposure.

Hydrangeas need constant moisture to thrive, therefore supplemental watering may be necessary to ensure their success in times of drought. In addition, we recommend watering them a couple of times per week while the plant is establishing itself. This will help it establish deep roots that are able to tap water from deep in the soil.

Standing water will cause root rot and the rapid demise of this plant. Consequently, well-draining soil is essential.

We recommend fertilizing with a slow-release fertilizer in late spring or summer. Furthermore, fertilizers with a balanced NPK ratio will work, however, you may want to choose a fertilizer that is higher in Phosphorus. This will encourage increased bloom production.

How to Plant Your Bloomstruck Hydrangea

Dig a hole three times the width of the pot that your plant came in. The hole should be deep enough that the top of the plant's root ball is even with or slightly higher than the ground around it. Mix your native soil with some rich garden soil to provide additional nutrients for your growing plant. If your soil is clay-rich, we recommend mixing pine bark in with your native soil at a ratio of about 1:1. Fill the hole back up with your native soil mixture. We also recommend applying 3-4 inches of mulch around the base of your plant to help it retain moisture.

Recommended Companion Plants

Pair this variety with other partial shade plants that contrast with either color or foliage texture.

The Florida Sunshine Illicium thrives in similar conditions to the Bloomstruck Hydrangea and its foliage contrasts beautifully. It's bright golden-yellow in hue and evergreen, with elongated upward-facing leaves.

Try planting it with a Camellia bush or two, like the Christmas Carol Camellia or Shi Shi Gashira Camellia. Both of these varieties bring great bloom color contrast and evergreen foliage that are sure to impress.

The Soft Caress Mahonia has dynamic feathery foliage that really shines in a partial shade garden. It also has bright yellow flowers in early winter.

Planting Instructions from Endless Summer

Check out our other Reblooming Endless Summer varieties here

Care & Use

Getting Started: Understanding Your New Plant

Review your plant's information on our website or the tag that comes with it. Be mindful of sunlight preferences, soil type, and spacing needs.

Our plants are adaptable but grow best in the correct USDA Zones. Click here to learn more about your USDA Zone.

Planting Instructions

Dig a Hole

First, dig a hole three times the width of the root ball of your plant. This makes it easier for the root system to spread out quickly. Dig the hole deep enough that your plant will sit level with or slightly above the ground around it.

Amend Your Soil

Mix your native soil with rich gardening soil to provide extra nutrients and support plant growth. If your soil is clay-heavy, we recommend mixing your native clay soil with equal parts of Pine Bark mulch to improve drainage and the overall breathability of your soil.

Place Your Plant

Examine the roots. If they appear tightly bound, gently coax them apart; this ensures they can spread into the new soil. Place your plant in the hole so the top of the rootball is even with the surrounding soil—Backfill around it with the amended soil mixture. The roots need access to oxygen for your plant to thrive, so do not cover the rootball; place soil around it.

Mulch Your Plants

Top the soil beneath your plant with 3-4 inches of mulch to help it retain moisture. Be careful not to cover the rootball - your new plants roots need access to oxygen.

Water Your Plant

Soak the plant with a hose afterward to hydrate the plant, as well as get the soil and mulch situated. Develop a regular watering schedule based on your plant's needs and local weather patterns. Remember, over watering is just as, if not more, harmful than under watering.

Spacing Recommendations

Bloomstruck Hydrangea Spacing Recommendations

For a continuous hedge, space your plants 2.5-3 feet apart. This will allow their branches to grow together nicely as the plant matures, and allows for maximum foliage density. For space between plantings leave 5+ feet between plants.

  • Scientific Name
    Hydrangea macrophylla 'P11HM-11' Bloomstruck
  • Hardiness Zone
    4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Sun Exposure
    Part Sun to Part Shade
  • Evergreen or Deciduous
  • Features
    Disease Tolerant, Flowering
  • Feature Color
    Blue, Green, Multi-Color, Pink, Purple
  • Uses
    Accent, Border, Container, Cut Flowers, Foundation Planting, Hedge, Mass Planting, Mixed Garden Bed
  • Water Needs
  • Bloom Season

Growing Zones : 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Map of USDA Zones 4-9
Lots of Pink hydrangea flowers from Endless Summer hydrangeas planted in the landscape

Endless Summer Hydrangeas

Endless Summer Hydrangeas are captivating flowering shrubs beloved by gardeners for their ability to bloom repeatedly. The flowers come in blue, pink, purple, and white. Enjoy colorful blooms in spaces that get shade.

Pink and Blue hydrangea flowers on Bloom Struck Hydrangeas for sale in a blue Endless Summer Hydrangeas pot on a white background
Endless Summer Hydrangea

BloomStruck Hydrangea | Endless Summer

From $21.99

Endless Summer® is well-known for its collection of reliably beautiful, reblooming Hydrangeas, and the Bloomstruck Hydrangea is no exception! Dr. Michael Dirr of Plant Introductions, Inc. first bred this remarkable hydrangea, and gardeners across the nation have taken notice rapidly. It has a neat mounding growth habit of dark green foliage that reaches 3-4 feet across with a spread of 4-5 feet. It produces rose-pink, purple, or blue mop-head blooms that grow 3.5 - 5 inches across. Like other Macrophylla Hydrangeas, you can change the color of your blooms by raising or lowering the pH level of your soil. More acidic soil will bring out the violet-blue tones in the blooms, and more alkaline soils will produce rose-pink blooms. Although capable of several colors, it's most noted for rich violet-blue flowers that truly separate it from the pack. Enjoy the gorgeous blooms all season long, as this landscape treasure continuously reblooms from spring to fall.

This selection produces strong and beautiful red-purple stems that add a fantastic contrast to the dynamic, rich flowers. BloomStruck Hydrangeas are renowned for their ability to bloom on old and new wood!

*The BloomStruck Hydrangea® is a deciduous/semi-evergreen plant and will go dormant during the winter months. When this plant is ordered during the Fall/Winter expect seasonal foliage decline(discoloration, spots, leaf drop) or the plant to arrive completely dormant.*

Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea Care

Hardy from Zones 4-9. This is a notably cold-tolerant plant. However, much of this is due to the fact that it is a deciduous plant. Therefore, it will lose its leaves after the first freeze of the year and come back with new growth in spring.

Plant the Bloomstruck Hydrangea in partial shade in all zones. However, these Hydrangeas can handle some direct sun. Gardeners in the Northern US can allow around 3 hours of direct sun, while gardeners in the Southern US won't want to allow more than 1-2 hrs of unfiltered sunlight. Err on the side of caution as they are very susceptible to burning with too much direct sun exposure.

Hydrangeas need constant moisture to thrive, therefore supplemental watering may be necessary to ensure their success in times of drought. In addition, we recommend watering them a couple of times per week while the plant is establishing itself. This will help it establish deep roots that are able to tap water from deep in the soil.

Standing water will cause root rot and the rapid demise of this plant. Consequently, well-draining soil is essential.

We recommend fertilizing with a slow-release fertilizer in late spring or summer. Furthermore, fertilizers with a balanced NPK ratio will work, however, you may want to choose a fertilizer that is higher in Phosphorus. This will encourage increased bloom production.

How to Plant Your Bloomstruck Hydrangea

Dig a hole three times the width of the pot that your plant came in. The hole should be deep enough that the top of the plant's root ball is even with or slightly higher than the ground around it. Mix your native soil with some rich garden soil to provide additional nutrients for your growing plant. If your soil is clay-rich, we recommend mixing pine bark in with your native soil at a ratio of about 1:1. Fill the hole back up with your native soil mixture. We also recommend applying 3-4 inches of mulch around the base of your plant to help it retain moisture.

Recommended Companion Plants

Pair this variety with other partial shade plants that contrast with either color or foliage texture.

The Florida Sunshine Illicium thrives in similar conditions to the Bloomstruck Hydrangea and its foliage contrasts beautifully. It's bright golden-yellow in hue and evergreen, with elongated upward-facing leaves.

Try planting it with a Camellia bush or two, like the Christmas Carol Camellia or Shi Shi Gashira Camellia. Both of these varieties bring great bloom color contrast and evergreen foliage that are sure to impress.

The Soft Caress Mahonia has dynamic feathery foliage that really shines in a partial shade garden. It also has bright yellow flowers in early winter.

Planting Instructions from Endless Summer

Check out our other Reblooming Endless Summer varieties here

Pot size

  • 1 Gallon
  • 2 Gallon
  • 3 Gallon
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